service policy
By registering, the USER WILL BE DECLARING THAT HE HAS READ AND ACCEPTED IN ITS ENTIRETY, WITHOUT ANY RESERVATION, THIS CONTRACT and TERMS OF USE which present the “General Conditions” applicable to the use of the services offered by store Umbrella Cloud
, which provides an interactive service for providing services on the internet, providing a virtual platform, renting virtual spaces and hosting content provided by third parties. Loja Umbrella Cloud
is a service that provides virtual store tools for various entrepreneurs on the web, where visitors freely choose a store where they intend to purchase products and services of their interest. Therefore, store Umbrella Cloud
does not make sales, does not act as intermediaries, does not offer its own products or services. The services provided are operated and managed by the Store Umbrella Cloud
on the world wide web (“Internet”), on the website and other formally affiliated platforms.
Any person, hereinafter referred to as “USER”, who intends to use the services of the Store Umbrella Cloud
must accept these Terms of Use, and all other policies and principles that govern it. ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF USE IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL TO USE THE PLATFORM AND ITS SERVICES.
The USER must read, make sure that they have understood and accept all the conditions established in the Terms of Use, as well as in the other documents incorporated therein by reference, before registering as a USER of the Store Umbrella Cloud
1.1 The services covered by these Terms of Use consist of making available to USERS, directly or indirectly registered in their system, a set of stores, business establishments, vendors and self-employed individuals previously registered, who will use the Store Umbrella Cloud
platform to make goods, products and services owned by the store owners available to interested USERS.
1.2 The USER is responsible for filling in their personal data, ensuring that their registration does not cause any harm or embarrassment to third parties.
1.3 After browsing the Online Store, the USER may purchase goods, products and services from the online establishments they find, by accepting the terms and conditions specified herein and paying the remuneration established for each purchase, subject to the deadlines established for each transaction defined by the seller in question.
1.4 The delivery deadline for the products and/or services will be those agreed upon with the online store selling the product, at the time of closing the purchase.
1.5 The publication, acquisition and delivery of the product or service will take place according to the following steps:
a) Publication of the Offer by the ONLINE STORE: The offer will be published on the platform offered by the Store Umbrella Cloud
and will remain so for the period stipulated by the contracting party for the USER's choice.
b) The Store Umbrella Cloud
does not guarantee the product or service and is not responsible for the delivery. The Store Umbrella Cloud
is not responsible for any inaccuracy, lack or expiry of stock of the product chosen by the USER with the ONLINE STORE.
c) Choice of product or service: The USER interested in purchasing a product or service may do so freely through the ONLINE STORE.
d) Delivery of Products and/or Services Offered: The USER is aware, and hereby declares to be in agreement, that any product and/or service offered by the ONLINE STORE on the platform is acquired directly from the ONLINE STORE and that the latter is exclusively and entirely responsible for the delivery, quality, quantity, condition, existence, legitimacy and integrity of the products and/or services offered. The USER is aware that the Store Umbrella Cloud
does not hold possession or ownership of the products and/or services offered through the platform. By choosing a product and/or service through the platform, the USER declares to have adhered to the regulations and conditions of the ONLINE STORE offer and declares to be aware of the conditions of use, payment, receipt and validity period of his/her choice.
2.1 The services of the Umbrella Cloud
Store are only available to people who have the legal capacity to contract them. Therefore, they cannot be used by people who do not have this capacity, including minors, or people who have been temporarily or permanently disqualified from the Umbrella Cloud
2.2 The same person is also not allowed to have more than one registration as a consumer user, except for consumers who also have a VIRTUAL STORE. If the Umbrella Cloud Store has
ect duplicate registrations, through the data verification system, will permanently disable all registrations.
3.1 Only interested parties who fill in all registration fields will have their registration confirmed. The future USER must complete the registration with accurate, precise and truthful information, and undertakes to update their personal data whenever there is any change.
3.2 Store Umbrella Cloud
is not responsible for the accuracy of personal data entered by its USERS. USERS guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the veracity, accuracy and authenticity of the personal data registered.
3.3 Store Umbrella Cloud
reserves the right to use all valid and possible means to identify its USERS, as well as to request additional data and documents that it deems pertinent in order to verify the personal data provided.
3.4 If the Store Umbrella Cloud
decides to check the veracity of a USER's registration data and finds that there is incorrect or false data among them, or if the USER refuses or refuses to send the required documents, the Store Umbrella Cloud
may block the USER from purchasing or choosing products or services, or temporarily suspend or permanently cancel the USER's registration, without prejudice to other measures that it deems necessary and appropriate.
3.5 If any of the above sanctions are applied, the choices made will automatically be canceled, and the USER will not be entitled to any compensation or reimbursement for this reason.
3.6 The USER accesses his/her account using the user name and/or email and password and undertakes not to disclose this data to third parties, taking full responsibility for any use made of it.
3.7 The USER undertakes to notify the Store Umbrella Cloud
immediately, and through secure means, of any unauthorized use of his/her account, as well as unauthorized access by third parties to it. The USER will be solely responsible for the operations carried out in his/her account, since access to it will only be possible by entering the password, which is known exclusively by the USER.
3.8 Under no circumstances will the assignment, sale, rental or other form of transfer of the account be permitted, under penalty of cancellation for violations of the policies of the Store Umbrella Cloud
3.9 The USER expressly accepts that the Store Umbrella Cloud
and/or any of its partners send the USER e-mail or SMS messages of an informative nature, referring to specific communications regarding the products and services made available or that may be made available on the platform, as well as other messages of a commercial nature, such as offers from third parties affiliated with the StoreUmbrella Cloud
and platform news. If the USER no longer wishes to receive such messages, they must request the cancellation of their sending on the platform itself.
4.1 Payments for purchases made by interested parties and contacts with USERS may be made through third-party companies, including the provision of services by a company responsible for payment management.
4.2 The Store Umbrella Cloud
may not intervene in the results of the relationship between the USER and the company responsible for payment management, since the latter manages its operations independently of the Store Umbrella Cloud
, and it is up to the company to limit or expand the possibilities of intervention that the Store Umbrella Cloud
may exercise over such relationship.
4.3 The Store Umbrella Cloud
cannot guarantee in any way that the services provided by the company responsible for payment management will operate free of errors, interruptions, malfunctions, delays or other imperfections.
4.4 The Store Umbrella Cloud
shall not be responsible for the availability or otherwise of the Services provided by the company responsible for payment management or for the impossibility of using the Service.
5.1 The Store Umbrella Cloud
may change these Terms of Use at any time, aiming to improve and enhance the services provided. The new Terms of Use shall come into effect upon publication on the platform. Within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the publication of the changes, the USER must notify us by email if he/she does not agree with the amended Terms of Use. In this case, the contractual relationship shall cease to exist, provided that there are no outstanding accounts or debts in the name of the USER. If there is no response within the stipulated period, it shall be understood that the USER has tacitly accepted the new Terms of Use and the contract shall continue to bind the parties.
5.2 The changes will not be effective in relation to choices, commitments and acquisitions already initiated at the time the same changes are published. For these, the Terms of Use will be valid with the previous wording.
6.1 The Store Umbrella Cloud
will take all possible measures to maintain the confidentiality and security described in this clause, but will not be liable for any damages that may arise from the violation of these measures by third parties using public networks or the internet, subverting security systems to access USER information.
6.2 It is inherent to the activity of the Store Umbrella Cloud
to connect and partner with partner companies for the perfect provision of services. To this end, the Store Umbrella Cloud
may, at its sole discretion and convenience, share information about USERS and visitors to its website with its partners.
6.3 In case of doubts about the protection of personal data, or to obtain further information about personal data and the cases in which the confidentiality covered by this clause may be breached, consult
7.1 USERS interested in participating in the services offered and advertised by the Store Umbrella Cloud and its users must register, choose the products and services and make the corresponding payments.
7.2 After registering on the website, the chosen ONLINE STORE, choosing and paying for the products and services purchased, USERS undertake to collaborate so that the company Store Umbrella Cloud and the store owner achieve their objective.
7.4 The Store Umbrella Cloud is not responsible for the tax obligations that fall on the activities of the USERS of the website, as well as on those of its Partners and Online Store Owners. As established by the relevant legislation in force, the consumer must request a tax receipt from the Partner for their transactions.
8.1 The use of any device, software, or other resource that may interfere with the activities and operations of the Store Umbrella Cloud, as well as the publication of offers, products or services, descriptions, accounts or its databases, is not permitted. Any interference, attempt to, or activity that violates or contravenes the laws of intellectual property rights and/or the prohibitions stipulated in these Terms of Use, will make the responsible party liable to the relevant legal actions, as well as the sanctions provided for herein, and will also be liable for compensation for any damages caused.
9.1 Without prejudice to other measures, the Store Umbrella Cloud may warn, suspend or cancel, temporarily or permanently, a USER's account at any time, and initiate appropriate legal action if: a) the USER fails to comply with any provision of these Terms of Use; b) if the USER fails to comply with his/her duties as a USER; c) if he/she commits fraudulent or willful acts; d) if the USER's identity cannot be verified or any information provided by him/her is incorrect; e) if the Store Umbrella Cloud understands that the advertisements or any action of the USER have caused any damage to third parties or to the Store Umbrella Cloud itself or have the potential to do so. In cases where the USER's registration is disabled, all active Offer Purchases will be automatically canceled. The Store Umbrella Cloud reserves the right, at any time and at its sole discretion, to request the submission of personal documentation.
10.1 The Store Umbrella Cloud is not the owner of the products and/or services offered by the Virtual Retail Partners, does not hold possession of them and does not make offers/sales on their behalf. Nor does it intervene in the delivery and/or use of the products and/or services purchased through the platform.
10.2 The Store Umbrella Cloud is not responsible, at the time of delivery and/or use, for the existence, quantity, quality, condition, integrity or legitimacy of the products offered by the Partners and purchased by the USERS, as well as for the USERS' ability to contract or for the veracity of the personal data entered by them in their registrations.
10.3 The Store Umbrella Cloud will not be responsible for the effective fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the USERS. The USER and the USER's contacts acknowledge and accept that when opting for and choosing the products and/or services of the Virtual Stores, they do so at their own risk. Under no circumstances will Umbrella Cloud be liable for lost profits or any other damage and/or loss that the USER may suffer due to purchases made through the platform.
10.4 The Umbrella Cloud Store recommends that all transactions be carried out with caution and common sense. The USER and their contacts must weigh the risks of acquiring the products and services.
10.5 Considering, further, the impossibility of full and uninterrupted operation of any telecommunications or computer system, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, this fragile situation also includes, due to
Due to its complexity, the provision of the services covered by this Agreement, including due to the dependence on telecommunications services provided by third parties, the Store Umbrella Cloud does not guarantee, in any way, the provision of the service in an uninterrupted and/or error-free manner.
Team, Store Umbrella Cloud